Golgi Apparatus: the receiver and transporter experience

 Need a restaurant suggestion or forgot your toothbrush? Our very own Golgi apparatus is the go-to center, known for its helpfulness and hospitality. The Golgi apparatus modifies, stores and routes proteins and other chemical products to where they need to go. Affectionately referred to as the "pita basket", the Golgi does somewhat represent a stack of pita bread. Additionally, the Golgi apparatus both receives and sends out vesicles. Members of the Deluxe package can undergo the "Vesicle Experience", one of the relaxation processes here at the Resort. Just like a regular vesicle, guests can enter the Golgi apparatus, be refined and modified in a total makeover by the Golgi's enzymes, and then be shipped off on their way. Says In Touch, "Guests are emerged into the true vesicle and Golgi apparatus reality!"